Our work with computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) systems
C Evaluations of in-place CAMA systems for the
State of Arizona; Boulder County, Colorado; Brevard County, Florida; Cook
County, Illinois; the City of Edmonton, Alberta; the Town of Greenwich,
Connecticut; Kent County, Delaware; the State of Massachusetts; New Castle
County, Delaware; Oklahoma County, Oklahoma; the Province of Saskatchewan;
Sedgwick County, Kansas; the City of St. Albert, Alberta; Tulsa County,
Oklahoma; the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Wyandotte County, Kansas; and the
State of Wyoming
C Assistance with CAMA system procurement. This
has included developing specifications and evaluating proposals. Clients we
have served in one or both of these capacities include the State of
Connecticut; Cook County, Illinois; the District of Columbia; Dona Ana
County, New Mexico; the City of Edmonton, Alberta; Erie County,
Pennsylvania; the State of Massachusetts; Peoria County, Illinois; the City
of Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Shelby County (Memphis), Tennessee; the State
of West Virginia; and the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. These evaluations
included comparisons of system functional capabilities, provisions for staff
training and system support, and cost.
C Hands-on experience in CAMA system development
and mass appraisal model building in the Republic of Armenia; the State of
Arizona; Brevard County, Florida; The City of Calgary, Alberta; Cook County,
Illinois; the City of Detroit, Michigan; Douglas County, Colorado; the City
of Edmonton, Alberta; Jefferson County, Colorado; Johnson County, Kansas;
Kent County, Delaware; Pima County (Tucson), Arizona; the Province of
Ontario; Polk County, Iowa; Shelby County, Tennessee; the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago; Tulsa County, Oklahoma; the City of Two Rivers,
Wisconsin; and the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba.