Our first-hand experience with teaching in valuation, CAMA systems, ratio
studies, and other subjects helps us anticipate the views and needs of
property tax administrators.
Mr. Gloudemans has taught the following courses
and workshops for the International Association of Assessing Officers:
Fundamentals of Assessment Ratio Studies; 201, Land Valuation; 202, Advanced
Income Approach; 301, Mass Appraisal of Residential Property; 302, Mass
Appraisal of Income Property; 303, Computer Assisted Appraisal Systems; 305,
Mass Appraisal Model Building; and 306, Advanced Mass Appraisal Modeling for
Income Properties. He is a primary author of many IAAO instructor and student
reference manuals. Mr. Gloudemans also teaches University of British Columbia
courses and courses in mass appraisal modeling building using SPSS to client
personnel. These clients include the cities of Calgary, Edmonton, and
Winnipeg; Brevard and Orange counties, Florida; Johnson and Shawnee counties,
Kansas; Jefferson and Summit counties, Colorado; the Institute of Iowa
Assessors; the states of Arizona, Florida, Kansas, and New York; and the
provinces of Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan.
Mr. Almy teaches
valuation and property taxation courses in Europe and Asia for the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. He helped write the
materials for these courses. We also have both group and individual tutorial
teaching experiences in the areas of valuation model building and ratio
studies. |